Tuesday, December 19, 2006

BaNd Of tHe HaNd

I'm not quite for administration
But I am not an opposition.
There are times I may raise some questions,
but I am not here to scatter aggression.

A message for those they've said wisemen
We are not holding each others hand.
Don't rock the boat on its voyage
Alot of children, future of our nations,
seeing negative reaction
Is this your own solution?

Be one with the solution
Not part of the demolition
You are all needed in this creation
Lets band our hands... Band of the hand.

I thought your was goal
To raise this country from poverty,
Where is the UNITY? The DIGNITY? The HONOR?
The way it should be done...
Let us BAnd our Hand for a cause.

Be one with the solution
Not part of the demolition
You are all needed in this creation
Lets band our hands... Band of the hand.

We are one?
The future stinks!
Fuck you all who said you are right ....

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